Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I've got a dream!

Guess what?!? I'm still alive!! And I've got a dream!! Someday I'll be a better writer, someday I might even be able to publish something. In the mean time I finally can see myself having a little bit more time for me to hopefully start writing again. Nothing fancy or super deep probably, mainly just getting in the habit of writing on a regular basis. I'm going to be blogging about my family and trying to stay up on it. I'm going to blog about my projects, goals, and life as...  You guessed it! A New mommy!!! Yay!!! Yes I finally had a baby!! And then most important (pertaining to this part of life)  I'm doing to be trying to blog here about writing, reading, books, words, and everything in between!! Some posts might be super short or maybe really long. I guess it will all depend on my mood and on my writers mindset. However I figured, I'm going to be able to finally have time to take some advice that one of my all time favorite authors once gave me. She told me that my writing can improve and I can help my writing mindset most by writing for a little bit everyday. Once I can get in the habit of writing a little bit every day then writing will start to come easier. That's my goal. I guess instead of making a New Years resolution/challenge I'm making a Thanksgiving one. Why? Because I'm thankful to have the ability and opportunity I have to write. So why not?

I read this awesome quote several times and most of the one when I see it, read it, or even think about it; it makes me think of my dream to be able to have a good bough imagination to write something that might make some random persons day. The way so many authors have made my day over and over again.

"Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret."

This is why I write. Even if it's meaningless ramblings, someday my words might be important to someone else besides me. 💁

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First 2012 Post

I know, I know it's the beginning of the second week of 2012. I already broke my resolution of writing each week. However, like I stated in my last post of 2011, my best friend got me a journal. I did write in it throughout the last week.

The reason I haven't posted till now is.... that I have an awesome husband. :)  He has taken me skiing for the first time this winter. Twice now actually. Skiing is a rush that I thought I'd never be able to experience. He's been a great help at teaching me how to have fun up on the mountain. It's a blast!

The problem is... Now I can't go for awhile. I can't really type that well either... It's sort of a bummer... Trying to learn what it takes to be a writer. For someone who has set goals to become better at writing. A person who loves to type each day and just hear the clicking.
One who now is typing with only one hand. :(

The second skiing trip we took I went on a slope that I wasn't quite ready for... (Which by the way was the beginning of last week for the explanation of missing the first weeks post.)
Needless to say I fell and crashed... A few of times. One of my crashes was a harsh one that even popped off my ski and almost broke my nose. It left me in some pain. Which is now pretty mild thankfully. Anyway, my left wrist and thumb is in a brace. I am getting motion back in my fingers which is nice and the bruising has gone away for the most part. My thumb and wrist is another story though.

I've started my physical therapy to work towards getting out of the brace and getting back to using two hands. I never really thought about how much I use my left hand. Like they always say. Sometimes you don't know what you have till you loose it... Well I've decided to be more grateful to my left hand for all it does for me.

So to be perfectly clear on one thing... I've become more accident prone with the passing years. I expected this from my brother, who was always accident prone, not so much from me. I did tell him a few times however that I looked up to him and hoped to be more like him when I grew up. I think becoming more like him in this aspect was not what I had in mind. However I do think that it's the Lord's sense of humor and love for me.

To finish up this weeks post:
I am excited to be starting school. I attended my first class this weekend and I'm already having fun. I'm anticipating starting my writing classes tomorrow! I hope that this semester can really help me to look within, to find the writer in me. The writer that I hope and pray to become.
Thank you for those of you who offer your support and assistance in my journey called life.

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.  ~Norbet Platt


Friday, December 30, 2011


Quick update on the past month....
Finals went better then I expected. Hooray to good grades!
The trip my husband and I took was.... nothing less than AMAZING!!!
As far as the holidays go. FABULOUS!!!

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
-Brian Tracy

I have to say another thank you to all those who were involved in my Christmas! It was much more then I could have ever asked for. There is one person in particular who was able to somehow read a part of my mind about what I wanted. My Best Friend..... BumblePot :)..... She has been an awesome supporter and help when it comes to my writing. Even if it's just a short paragraph or an idea in my head, she always is there to read or listen. She loves writing just like I do. Although I would bet to say that she is WAY better at writing then I am. I haven't been able to read a ton of her stuff but from what I have read and heard about. She's awesome!

Anyways back to Christmas, she got me 3 things that topped my ten best presents this year. First a book about getting into character within your writing. A book by the way that we have been talking about for a year now. First she introduced it to me through her book and her knowledge of reading it. Now I have a copy of my own. THANK YOU!!!!! I look forward to reading it in depth and taking notes on it.

Second she got me a small journal. Which if you can tell when it comes to how horrible I am at keeping a blog. There's really not a big difference to how good I am at keeping a journal. However so much has happened in my life and I really want to keep memories of my life. However I think when it comes to me buying my own journals, I do really good for awhile.... then I think I curse myself and get out of habit and never finish it. I intend to make sure to keep my own curse to my self-bought journals. I plan to fill this journal throughout 2012. So A journal, just what I've been needing to get but have been scared to... I will be going somewhere peaceful as often as possible to be alone and really write. THANKS!!!!

Third and last, but definitely not least..... There is a specific restaurant that we have close to where we live that's great! Not only is the food great, but there is something about going to that place for the both of us that inspires us. We are about to talk about writing and stories and books we've read, etc. etc. etc. I swear that 'something' has to be magic. Because every time we are there, it brings out the writer in me. It makes me want to go home and just type till I can't feel my fingers anymore. We will definitely being going out to lunch soon!!!!

So there you have it. There is a special and amazing connection between best friends. Somehow she always knows what I need. Not just what I want but what I need. She continues to amaze me all the time at how she can sometimes read my mind faster and better then I can. So this post is dedicated to my best friend. I LOVE YOU BUMBLEPOT!!!! ;) (Yes we have nicknames for one another and it's great.)

Until next week:

It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by.  How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment?  For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone.  That is where the writer scores over his fellows:  he catches the changes of his mind on the hop.  
~Vita Sackville-West

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Inspiration Realized

I know that so far I've been horrible at my writer's blog. I got so caught up in life for awhile, that I got out of touch with my 'writer's mindframe'. This semester is almost over and I can't wait for a break. The break will only be a couple weeks, however it will be the best, short, break from school, that I could ask for. It's going to be over Christmas, which of course is always a happy, merry season.
My husband and I will be taking a well needed getaway. Then it will be back to school come January. Even though I feel somewhat tired and in need of a break from school, I'm looking forward to next semester. I will be taking some writing classes, that will help me work towards my goal of becoming a better writer. I've been consistently thinking about writing lately. I haven't had the time to actually write and work on my stories, or even on my blog for that matter. There is some good news though. When I come to homework overloads, I've often found myself daydreaming about my stories, or even coming up with new ones.

I've decided that next year will be the first year that I complete my new years resolutions. I'm keeping it simple this year so that I can acheviev them all. So that I can accomplish this, I will have a maximum Resolutions list that will be set at 5. Working on my writing will be one of them. The writing class that I will be taking will help me get back into the 'writer's mindframe'. I can begin working on my novel again (hopefully) while also working on other short stories. That is only one part of my "Writing Resolution". Another part is working on my writer's blog. I figured if I don't stay up on my blog now, how do I expect to later on? This possible rut however won't happen. I'm going to start Part 1 now, instead of waiting a month to start. I know that it will be tough to start now because I'm coming upon finals week. But if I can't handle it now, who's to say I'll be able to handle it later. My goal is to write at least once a week while I'm starting out. If I can write more than that, then I will.

I know that I'd like to start doing thoughts and reviews on books that I've read. I find that I have gotten a lot of my inspiration to be a writer, from other writers. I've loved books my whole life. I was nicknamed the bookworm of my family as a child. As I've gotten older, that name has gotten even truer over time. I own more books than I can have with me where I'm currently living. More books than I really know what to do with right now. Yes I have a library pass, but checking books out temporarily doesn't hold the same rush that holding and reading a book that I now own, has. Someday  maybe I'll get lucky and can have a small library in my house. Something like what Belle gets in Beauty and the Beast. Her own library.
Get lost in books!

There are really only been 2 things that come to mind that I can call my innisfree's. Dancing and Reading. I have recently been able to dance and not hurt too bad, which is an amazing feeling. However, I've never been so injured that I couldn't read. Not one day has gone by that I didn't want to read, and it's been that way since the day my mom started teaching me to read. It doesn't matter exactly what book I am reading, when I read, I'm part of something else. I'm not fully apart of the story and it's world, but I'm not fully here in this world either. I can't even count how many 'other worlds' I've been able to visit, and I don't think I'd  want to. I just know that I'm thankful for those who can create with words. I hope someday I can do for others, what others have done for me. I hope to create 'other worlds' that someone else might also be able to visit like I have.

In light of the mention I made about my 'innisfree', I'd like to share the poem that taught me what an innisfree was. In high school I had an amazing English teacher, who by the way is a published author. He taught me to love poetry. Now I'm not a poetry nut, I'm not amazing at it, and there is so much about poetry that I have yet to learn. However a specific poem that has stuck with me and continues to inspire me was written by William Butler Yeats in 1892. It's titled The Lake Isle of Innisfree.

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, 
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a-glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings. 

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

I have previously mentioned a couple of other authors who have really inspired me. They have helped me realize a goal and a dream. A dream that I've had for a long time. A goal that I didn't conscientiously understand. One in the same that was hidden down inside of me; that I was too scared to pursue. I'm not scared anymore though. I am incredibly nervous, I feel very inadequate, I'm not sure if I'll ever make it, or ever be able to call myself a writer. I do know however, that it doesn't matter how often I get those thoughts, I'll never give up or stop trying. Sylvia Plath has helped remind me of that.

I want to send a shout out, THANK YOU to all those who:
  • have taught me to never give up, and many other great lessons,
  • those who are supporting this journey that I'm just starting,
  • those who I know will be with me all the way,
  • those who will teach me many more lessons,
  • those who will help me get back up when I fall along the way
  • and most importantly, thank you to those of you who love me for who I am.
You have all done so much for me and I'm eternally grateful. Another person that I wish to send a thank you to is Hayao Miyazaki. He has inspired me with his wonderful stories that he has brought to life. His work is different than the works I grew up with, and I absolutely love it. As the title of this post mentions' New Inspiration Realized, Mr Miyazaki is just that inspiration to me that I recently recognized as inspiration. His work is incredible and is currently my favorite collection to go through when I am in need for an immediate getaway.
I strive to do my very best at all that I do, writing will be no different.

And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm still alive!

I know it's been months since I last posted. Life has been crazy! Trying to be a full-time (15 Credits) student, work, and take care of a family is rough! Needless to say with all of that, I haven't had the time to work on my novels at all. :( I should hopefully be graduating with a degree next year and from there I will be writing as much as I can. I look forward to finishing up with at least part of my education and taking a break. I enjoy writing, I still want to be a writer, however, I really have to say I dislike the whole writing 15 page papers for college. There's research, citations, and topics that may not even interest you involved it it. If someone asked me to write a 15 page short story, I feel semi-ok about saying I think I could do it. It might be a little rough, but at least I would enjoy it.

I do at least make a little spare time to do some personal reading. I have read so many books, I sometimes get the stories intertwined. I do have to say I'm looking forward to a couple books that will be released this month. Vindicated by Keary Taylor (Nov. 29) Vindicated is the final book in the Fall of Angels series.
Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (Nov. 08)  Inheritance is the final book in the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series)

I will be super crazy busy this month getting caught up in school. (I was sick most of October to the point of missing classes and not being able to concentrate on homework. Let alone read my own choices of books) Then preparing for finals the middle of Christmas. I hope to still be able to read these two books however. . I am going to try to make the goal of at least starting to blog a couple times each month. That way it can help me stay up with my typing and personal writing. I will do some book reviews on some of the books I've read lately when I get some more typing time in.

Until next time, I wish you all happiness and well being!

~Kimberly Lunnen

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do things worth writing. Benjamin Franklin